Rules of participation in the IMAGINATION DAY 11 CONFERENCE and the Innovation Gala
[27, 28 and 29 November 2024, WARSAW, ZŁOTE TARASY]
§1. General Rules
1. The Regulations define the terms and conditions of participation in the conference called
IMAGINATION DAY 11 and the award ceremony in the Innovation competition organized by the
Association for Marketing Communication SAR with its registered office in Warsaw, 8/10 Czerska
Street. Registration of participation in the Conference and the Gala is tantamount to acceptance of
the terms and conditions of the Regulations, including the obligation to pay the appropriate
Participation Fee.
2. Unless otherwise expressly stipulated in the content of the Terms and Conditions, the following
capitalized terms have been given the following meanings:
a) Conference and Gala – means the conference organized by the Organizer under the name
Imagination Day 11, which will be held on November 28 and 29, 2024 in Warsaw, and the Innovation
Competition Award Gala, which will take place on November 27, 2024 in Warsaw.
b) Organizer – means the Association for Marketing Communication SAR, with its registered office in
Warsaw (00-732) at 8/10 Czerska Street, entered into the register of entrepreneurs and the register
of associations, other social and professional organizations, foundations and independent public
health care institutions run by the District Court for the of Warsaw in Warsaw, XIII Commercial
Division of the National Court Register, under KRS number: 0000177032, with the following NIP
number: 5262397001.
c) Registration System (hereinafter referred to as the System) – means a web application enabling
the registration process of participants for the Conference.
d) User – means any person using the System to register for the Conference.
e) Participants – means natural persons who are at least 18 years of age and have full legal capacity,
who have been registered to participate in the Conference and Gala in accordance with the
provisions of the Regulations.
f) Bank Account – means the Organiser's bank account to which the fees for participation in the
Conference No. 27 1090 1056 0000 0000 0602 5684 at Santander Bank Polska S.A. will be credited.
g) Participation fee – means the amount specified by the Organizer that must be paid in order to
confirm participation in the Conference and the Gala.
h) Ordering Party – means a natural person with full legal capacity, a legal person or an
organizational unit without legal personality, who has completed the Registration and paid the
Participation Fee.
i). Registration – means notifying the Organizer of the willingness to participate in the Conference
and Gala using the System.
j). Application Form – means the form available on the
website, which is used to register and purchase tickets.
3. Additional information.
a) The official website of the Conference is located at, and the Gala:
b) The scope of the System's operation includes the service of storing the User's registration in the
database, as well as handling this registration by the Organiser.
c) The technical requirements related to the use of the System do not differ from the technical
requirements for the use of the Internet. The user must have a computer with access to the Internet
with software that allows you to browse its resources. It is recommended to use the following
browsers: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome or Safari in the versions current at the time of
d) The provisions of these Regulations constitute an integral part of the application for participation
in the Conference and the Gala and apply to all Participants and Ordering Parties.
§2 Conditions of participation
1. The condition for participation in the Conference and Gala is:
a) correct registration for participation in the Conference and Gala only via the Application Form
available on the Conference website.
b) payment of the Participation Fee in the amount specified by the Organizer, in accordance with the
provisions of § 3 of the Regulations.
2. Registration should be made no later than 1 (one) working day before the date of the planned
Conference and Gala. Registration requires providing the Participant's personal data, i.e. name,
surname, e-mail address of the Participant and the Ordering Party's data, i.e. name, surname (or
business name) and e-mail address, contact phone number of the Ordering Party, NIP of the Payer's
company. If the Ordering Party is the Participant himself, he may provide his data only once,
indicating on the application form that he is also a Participant. The condition for registration is the
prior creation by the Participant of an account on the Tickerence website responsible for the
distribution of tickets for the Conference and Gala (including providing data and accepting the
regulations in force on this website). In the event of any discrepancies between these Terms and
Conditions and the Terms and Conditions of the Tickerence website, the provisions of these Terms
and Conditions shall prevail.
3. If the person performing the Registration is not the Participant himself, the Ordering Party should
be authorized to provide the Organizer with the Participant's personal data. The Ordering Party also
bears full responsibility for the authenticity of the data provided.
4. The Organiser shall not be liable for any damage resulting from entering false data, including the
Participant's personal data, into the Application Form.
5. Registration is a form of concluding an agreement between the Organiser and the Ordering Party,
on the terms and conditions resulting from the Regulations and the Application Form.
6. The Organizer reserves the right to change the speakers and/or the program of the Conference,
which does not entitle to a refund of the Participation Fee. The Organizer guarantees that all
speakers will be experienced and professional in the field covered by the Conference program.
7. The Organizer reserves the right to change the date of the Conference and the Gala for reasons
beyond his control. In such a case, the Organiser shall immediately inform the Ordering Party of the
above change by sending an e-mail to the contact e-mail address indicated in the Application Form.
In the event of such a change, the Ordering Party has the right to withdraw from the agreement
within 7 (seven) days from receiving information about the change, but not later than 7 (seven) days
before the start of the Conference and the Gala. In such a case, the Organizer will refund the full
amount paid for the price of participation in the Conference and Gala to the account from which the
payment was made to the Organizer. At the same time, the Organizer does not cover additional costs
incurred by the Participant in connection with the Conference and the Gala. The above provisions do
not apply to Participants acting as consumers – in relation to whom the change of the date of the
Conference and Gala results in the termination of the agreement and the refund of the full price
(unless such participants unequivocally agree to the new date of the Conference and Gala).
8. The number of places to participate in the Conference and the Gala is limited. Participation in the
Conference and Gala is determined by the order of applications and the date of receipt of the
Participation Fee on the Organizer's bank account. The organizer reserves the right to reject the
application due to lack of places.
9. The Organizer reserves the right to cancel the Conference and the Gala. In such a case, the
Organiser shall immediately inform the Participant and the Ordering Party thereof and shall refund
the full amount paid for the price of participation in the Conference within 14 working days.
§3. Online registration for the Conference and Gala
1. The participation fee includes participation in all sessions of the Conference and Gala as well as
coffee breaks. With the option of buying the right ticket.
2. The participation fee includes access to the platform with recordings of lectures of a given edition
of the Conference, available at the link received from the organizer after the event. The participant
receives access for the period until the next edition of the conference. The materials are only
available for viewing on the platform, without the possibility and right to download them or make
them available to other people.
3. The participation fee does not include the costs of the Participant's travel to the Conference and
Gala venue and accommodation. These costs are borne by the Participant on their own.
4. The sale of participation lasts from 15.04.2024 until the pool is exhausted, but no longer than until
4. The sale of participation in the Conference and the Gala takes place only on-line. The purchase can
be made on the website through the Application Form.
5. In order to correctly register in the system, the Ordering Party is obliged to fill in all fields marked
with the (*) symbol.
6. After filling in and confirming the authenticity of the data in the Registration Form, a message
confirming the registration will be sent to the e-mail address provided in it. For paid registrations,together with an e-mail message confirming the registration, the Ordering Party will receive a pro
forma invoice.
§4. Billing and cancellations
1. The participation fee for members of the Marketing Communication Association SAR is: for the 1st
day of the conference (28.11.2024) - PLN 1500 net until the end of the sale, for the 2nd day of the
conference (29.11.2024) PLN 1,500 net until the end of the sale. For Ordering Parties not associated
in the Association for Marketing Communication SAR, the participation fee is: for the 1st day of the
conference (28.11.2024) PLN 1650 net, for the 2nd day of the conference (29.11.2024) PLN 1,650 net
until the end of the sale. The VAT amount (23%) should be added to the amounts. The fee for the
package (1st and 2nd day of the conference, i.e. 28 and 29.11.2024 and a ticket to the Innovation
awards gala and After Party, which will take place on 27.11.2024 at 7:00 p.m. in Multikino in Złote
Tarasy) is: for members of the Association for Marketing Communication SAR: PLN 2125 net from
15.04.2024 to 01.10.2024 and PLN 2,500 net from 01.10.2024 to the day of the end of sales. For
Ordering Parties not associated in the Association for Marketing Communication SAR, the
participation fee is: PLN 2,337.50 net from 15.04.2024 to 01.10.2024 and PLN 2,750 net from
01.10.2024 to the date of sale end. The VAT amount (23%) should be added to the amounts. The
participation fee for the Gala is, for members of the Association for Marketing Communication SAR:
Gala (27.11.2024) – PLN 720 net until the end of the sale. Contracting Authorities not affiliated with
the Association for Marketing Communication SAR, the participation fee is: for participation in the
Gala (27.11.2024) PLN 800 net. The VAT amount (23%) should be added to the amounts.
2. The Organizer provides for the following forms of settlements: a) Payment to the Organizer's bank
account on the basis of a pro forma invoice sent electronically, to the Ordering Party's e-mail address
provided in the registration form;
3. The payment deadline for pro forma invoices received electronically with confirmation of
registration is 5 days (but not later than 1 day before the date of the Conference and Gala)
4. The Organiser reserves the right to cancel the Booking (withdraw from the agreement) if: a. the
payment for the Booking is not made within 5 days of making the Booking, b. the payment for the
Booking is not made at least 1 day before the start of the Conference, c. The Organiser shall require
the Ordering Party to send (to the address a confirmation of the transfer
of the Participation Fee, and the Ordering Party shall not satisfy this request within 5 days. d. until
the fee is paid by the Ordering Party, the limit of places for the Conference will be exhausted. e. in
the event that the Ordering Party enters incorrect data in the Form, and in particular in the case of
selecting the type of ticket to which the Ordering Party is not entitled. The Organizer will inform
about the cancellation of the reservation within 2 working days, to the e-mail address indicated in
the Application Form. Any possible payments made by the Ordering Party will be returned within 10
days from the date of cancellation.
5. A VAT invoice will be issued within 7 days of the payment being credited to the Organiser's bank
account (provided that the Booking is not cancelled in accordance with paragraph 4 above).
Corrections to VAT invoices can be made no later than 15 days after they were issued, unless
mandatory provisions of law provide otherwise. A request for correction should be sent to the
Organizer's e-mail address:
6. By purchasing participation in the Conference and the Gala for a Participant who is a third party
(other than the Ordering Party), the Ordering Party confirms that it is entitled to transfer the
personal data of such a Participant and that it has provided it with information about the rights andobligations of the Participant and the Organizer related to the Conference. The person submitting the
application (the User) and accepting the terms and conditions of participation hereby declares that
he/she is entitled to incur a financial obligation towards the Organizer of the Conference and the
Gala. Otherwise, the Organiser shall be liable to the Organiser for civil liability, including damages, for
exceeding the rights or not having them.
7. In the event of resignation from participation in the Conference and Gala, the application for
reimbursement of the Participation Fee should be sent by e-mail to,
whereby: a) in the case of delivery to the e-mail address of the of the
Ordering Party's statement of resignation from participation in the Conference and Gala in the period
from 15.04.2024 by 06.11.2024 the Organizer will charge 50% of the Participation Fee for the
previous preparatory services for Imagination Day; b) if the Organiser is provided with a statement of
resignation from participation in the Conference and Gala within 20 days before the scheduled day of
the Conference and Gala, the Organiser shall collect from the Ordering Party the full Participation Fee
for the previous preparatory services for the Imagination Day.
8. In the event of a positive consideration of the application for reimbursement of participation costs,
the Organiser will refund this payment within 10 days from the date of sending the application to the
Organiser to the bank account provided by the Ordering Party.
9. In the event that the Participant's participation in the Conference and the Gala is impossible due
to the earlier exhaustion of the limit of places, the Organizer shall return to the Ordering Party the
full amount paid for the price of participation in the Conference within 10 days.
10. Pursuant to Article 38 point 12 of the Act of 30 May 2014 on consumer rights, the consumer is
not entitled to withdraw from the agreement without giving a reason, referred to in Article 27 of the
Act of 30 May 2014 on consumer rights.
11. At the same time, we would like to inform you that in accordance with the Act of 30 May 2014 on
consumer rights, it is possible to use out-of-court methods of handling complaints and pursuing
claims by consumers. Detailed information on the possibility for the consumer to use out-of-court
methods of handling complaints and pursuing claims and the rules of access to these procedures are
available at the following website address of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection
12. A person who is a consumer has the possibility to settle a dispute using the EU online platform
(ODR platform) available at
§ 5. Likeness Release
1. During the Conference and Gala, the Organiser may conduct photo sessions and film the course of
the Conference and the Gala for the purposes of broadcasting in the mass media (television, radio,
Internet, press) or for the purposes of documentation, promotion, advertising of the Organiser and
other persons indicated by the Organiser (Media Partner, Sponsor, Partner or Co-Organiser of the
Conference). Participation in the Conference and the Gala is tantamount to acknowledging the fact
that the Organizer is entitled to record, use and/or disseminate by the Organizer and the above-
mentioned entities related to it the image/voice/speech of each of the Participants in all promotional
and marketing materials without time and territorial limitations.
2. Participation in the Conference and the Gala is tantamount to acknowledging the fact that
photographs, films or recordings made during the Conference may be placed on the Conferencewebsite or other website and used in promotional materials, also disseminated for this purpose by
means of vision or sound. The dissemination of the Participant's image/voice/statements for the
purposes specified in these Regulations takes place without remuneration.
3. The Participant may request that the Organizer cease the dissemination of his or her image by
sending an objection to the following e-mail address: § 6. Complaints 1.
The Ordering Party may submit a complaint via the e-mail address 2.
Complaints may be submitted within 14 days from the date of the end of the Conference and the
The complaint should include:
a) name and surname of the Ordering Party,
b) correspondence address,
c) the subject of the complaint,
d) indication of the factual circumstances justifying the complaint.
4. If the data or information provided in the complaint need to be supplemented, before considering
the complaint, the Organiser will ask the Ordering Party submitting the complaint to supplement it in
the indicated scope.
5. The Organiser shall consider the complaint within 14 working days from the date of filing the
complaint or from the date of completing the necessary data to submit the complaint by the
Ordering Party. The Ordering Party will be notified of the consideration and outcome of the
complaint via e-mail.
6. A response to the complaint will be sent only to the e-mail address assigned to a given Ordering
Party. In particularly justified cases, the Organiser may send a response to another e-mail address
indicated by the complainant, which is not assigned to the Ordering Party.
7. Rejection of the complaint does not deprive the right to pursue claims on general terms, especially
before the competent common court.
§ 7 Personal data
1. The administrator of personal data processed in connection with the Conference and the Gala is
the Organizer - Association for Marketing Communication SAR with its registered office in Warsaw,
8/10 Czerska Street.
2. The Organiser processes personal data for the purposes of: − accepting Bookings made by the
Ordering Parties and handling payments, − enabling participation in the Conference and Gala by the
Participants, − handling complaints, − publishing materials related to the Conference and the Gala for
information and marketing purposes.
3. If the Ordering Party is a natural person (including the Conference and Gala Participant himself),
the Organizer shall process his/her personal data to the extent necessary to prepare and perform the
contract for the Participant's participation in the Conference and Gala. In this case, the basis for the
processing of personal data is Article 6(1)(b) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) andArticle 6(1)(c) of the GDPR (to the extent that the processing of personal data is required by law, e.g.
tax regulations).
4. If the Participant is a natural person who is not the Ordering Party, the Organizer processes
personal data within the framework of the legitimate interest – consisting in the execution of the
Ordering Party's Reservation and enabling the Participant to participate in the Conference. In this
case, the basis for the processing of personal data is Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR.
5. Due to the fact that the images of the Participants may be recorded (and then disseminated) as
part of videos and photos taken during the Conference and the Gala, the Organizer informs that in
such a case the basis for the processing of personal data is the legitimate interest consisting in the
possibility of conducting information and advertising activities in accordance with the provisions of
the Regulations (including in particular the possibility of posting a photo and video report on the
conference website) – Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR.
6. In the case of data processing due to the legitimate interest of the Organizer, each person whose
personal data is processed on this basis has the right to object to such processing - by sending
information in accordance with the contact details indicated in the last point of this paragraph. In the
event that the submission of an objection makes it impossible to participate in the Conference, the
fees paid by the Ordering Party are not refundable.
7. Providing personal data is voluntary. However, failure to provide data results in the inability to
make and execute the Reservation.
8. For the purposes of the Booking, the following personal data are processed: name, surname, e-
mail address of the Participant, as well as name, surname, contact telephone number and e-mail
address of the Ordering Party who is a natural person (as well as NIP and business name – in order to
issue an invoice).
9. Contact details of the Participants and Ordering Parties are used to contact the Organizer, in
accordance with the provisions of these Regulations. Along with the confirmation of Registration, the
Organiser sends the Ordering Party and the Participant information about the processing of personal
10. If there is no separate premise for the processing of personal data (including, in particular, a legal
obligation incumbent on the Organizer) forcing the storage of personal data, the personal data will
be deleted within 3 months from the end of the Conference. Personal data will also be retained to
the extent that it is necessary to consider complaints or other forms of claims, as well as in
connection with the legitimate interest of the Organizer referred to in paragraph 5 above (until the
dissemination of photos and videos from the conference ceases).
11. For the purposes of the complaint, personal data is processed: e-mail address (from which the
complaint was received), other data indicated in the complaint. The data will be processed to the
extent necessary to consider the complaint, in accordance with the provisions of applicable law.
12. The recipients of personal data will be: Trakido Sp. z o.o. Sp. K. with its registered office in Toruń,
address 87-100, 167 Włocławska Street (sales and registration system for Participants), and sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Warsaw, 28 Efraima Schroegera Street, 01-822
Warsaw (granting access to the video platform to the Participants). The Ordering Party's personal
data may also be transferred to payment institutions for the purpose of paying for the Booking –according to the selected payment method. The administrator of personal data for the purpose of
payment is the entity that offers a specific payment method.
13. If the consent to receive commercial information is given in the Application Form, the Data
Controller also processes personal data for marketing purposes (legitimate interest of the
Controller). The data is processed on this basis until an objection is received, in accordance with the
last point of this paragraph or in another way indicated by the Administrator.
14. Persons whose personal data are processed have the right to: − obtain information on the
processing of personal data, including the categories of processed data and possible recipients of the
data (right of access to data). − request the correction of incorrect personal data or supplement
incomplete data, − request the deletion of personal data – by objecting to their processing, − request
restriction of personal data processing – if the legal requirements justifying such restriction are met,
− transfer personal data – by receiving personal data in a format that allows their transfer to a third
party, − lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority: President of the Office for Personal Data
Protection, 2 Stawki Street, 00-193 Warsaw – in the event of finding that personal data is processed
contrary to the law.
15. Any requests, questions and demands related to the processing of personal data should be sent
to the following address:;
§ 8 Final provisions
1. Participants are obliged to comply with the provisions of the regulations of the facility in force in
the facility where the Conference is organized, including in particular safety rules, health and safety
and fire regulations.
2. During the Conference and the Gala, the Participant is obliged to comply with any order
instructions of the Organizer; This applies in particular to the prohibition of recording (audio and/or
video and/or photo) of the keynote speaker's speech.
3. The Participant acknowledges that if the Organizer finds that the Participant violates the provisions
of the Conference and Gala Regulations, as well as persistently disturbs the proper course of the
Conference and the Gala, the Organizer is entitled to deny the Participant the right to participate in
the Conference and demand that the Participant leave the Conference and Gala venue or the
premises of the facility where the Conference and Gala are organized.
4. To the extent permitted by law, the Organiser reserves the right to amend the Terms and
Conditions, provided that this does not infringe the rights acquired by the Ordering Party and the
5. The Organizer can be contacted at: Warsaw (00-732), 8/10 Czerska Street and by e-mail at:
6. Any disputes that may arise from Participation in the Conference will be resolved by the court
competent for the Organizer's registered office, except for the situation where the party to the
dispute is a person acting as a consumer.
7. The Organizers are not responsible for the Participants's belongings that may be lost, damaged or
stolen during the Conference and the Gala, unless it is clear from the content of separate regulations
or from the circumstances that the Organizer has assumed such responsibility.
8. The Participants are fully financially responsible for any damage they have caused to the facilities
where any activities related to the Conference and the Gala are carried out.